








                                                                       + denotes deceased Officers

                                   Legion                                                              Auxiliary

                               Commanders Post 29                                     Presidents Unit 29

                                             +   David Carp                  1919

                                             +   Percy Taylor                 1920 

                                             +   David D. Phillips           1921

                                             +   David D. Phillips            1922               

                                             +   Arthur Anderson            1923                  +   Elva Pelham

                                             +   Arthur Anderson           1924                   +   Elva Pelham

                                             +   George Tubbs               1925                   +   Alice Huber

                                             +   Milo Hulliberger            1926                 +   Sue Cornell

                                             +   Harold Miller                1927                  +   Juliette Butler

                                             +   Donald Finch                1928                  +   Meta Hutchinson

                                             +   Donald Hatch               1929                  +    Clara Perrine

                                             +   Stuart Schramm            1930                  +    Carrie Campbell

                                             +   Harold DeWitt              1931                  +   Donna Willbur

                                             +   Fred Kelso                   1932                   +   Madge Hart

                                             +   Robert Cornell              1933          +   Madge Hart

                                             +   Thurman McLain          1934          +   Gertrude Cornell

                                             +   Nelson Lincoln              1935         +   Marie McLain

                                             +   Fred T. Barnum            1936          +   Ann Cross

                                             +   Gay E. Wilbur               1937          +   Margaret Wilson

                                             +   Rex Dupark                  1938          +   Anneke Lincoln

                                             +   Howard Dedrick           1939          +   Beulah Barnum

                                             +   Elon Burdick                 1940          +   Lucille Keller

                                             +   Edwin Reynolds            1941          +   Alice Campbell

                                             +   Dale Showerman          1942          +   Alice Campbell

                                             +   Charles Rose                1943          +   Florence Dupark

                                             +   David C. Burt               1944          +   Bernice Blake

                                             +   David C. Burt               1945          +   Anna George

                                             +   Edward Melville            1946          +   Mable Rose

                                             +   Leo Conway                 1947          +   Ivetta Sawyer

                                             +   Philip A. Perkins            1948         +   Ivetta Sawyer

                                             +   Philip A. Perkins           1949          +   Josephine Moore

                                             +   Paul E. Howard            1950          +   Florence Rose

                                             +   Ernest J. Rogers            1951         +   Ursula Mollenkopf

                                             +   Manley C. Rose            1952         +   Marian Garner

                                             +   Fred Frey                     1953          +   Dorothy Frey

                                             +   Fred Frey                     1954          +   Mary Garner

                                             +   Howard Goudie            1955          +   Ilah May Kelso

                                             +   Phillip C. Griffin             1956         +   Anna Stellingworth

                                             +   Charles Norris               1957         +   Clarice Bull

                                             +   Charles Norris              1958         +   Doris Garner

                                             +   Howard Garner            1959         +   Helen Logeman

                                             +   John Vincent                 1960          +   Helen Logeman

                                             +   Mearl Lapp                   1961         +   Ruth Lapp

                                             +   Mearl Lapp                   1962         +   Gloria Wilson

                                             +   James Stewart               1963              Dorothy Martin

                                             +   Donald M. Richardson  1964              Dorothy Martin

                                             +   Donald Hershberger      1965         +   Audrey Mayo

                                             +   Wayne Hicks                1966         +   Audrey Mayo

                                             +   Kenneth Gerry              1967         +   Louisa Maurer

                                             +   Walter Smith                 1968         +   Ethel Okoniewski

                                              +  Cliff Gardner                 1969               Zoe McKessy

                                             +   Gordon Houk               1970         +   Juanita Houk

                                             +   Joseph Briggs               1971          +   Dorothy Gerry

                                             +   Joseph Briggs               1972          +   Mildred Elmore

                                             +   Boyd Garner                1973          +   Ivetta Sawyer

                                             +   Vern Bull                      1974               Dorothy Higgins

                                             +   Garth McKessey          1975          +   Dorothy Gerry

                                             +   Philip Rosenberger        1976         +      Dorothy Martin

                                                  Theodore McVay         1977           +    Dorothy Martin

                                             +   Dawson Martin            1978          +   Juanita Houk

                                             +   Sturgill Williams           1979          +   Margaret hein

                                                  Donald l. Richardson     1980          +   Arahbell Bull

                                                  Gary Moore                  1981               Kaye Richardson

                                             +   Vern Bull                      1982                Kaye Richardson

                                             +   Virgil Keel                    1983           +   Ethel Okoniewski 

                                             +   Jack London                1984                 Linda Moore

                                             +   Dawson Martin            1985                 Karen Campbell

                                                  Harold Borgert             1986                 Karon Bull

                                                  Daniel Bitner                 1987                 Emma Woodward

                                                  Donald L. Richardson   1988           +   Juanita Houk

                                                  Charles Patton              1989                Karen Campbell

                                                  Charles Patton              1990                Kaye Richardson

                                             +   Jack London                 1991                Kaye Richardson

                                                  Jeffrey Henry                 1992                Kaye Richardson

                                                  Raymond Rink Jr.          1993                Kaye Richardson

                                                  Richard Monroe            1994                Linda Monroe 

                                                  Richard Monroe            1995                Linda Monroe

                                                  Jeremiah Andrus            1996                Karan Henry

                                                  Robert Sayles                1997                Karan Henry

                                                  Ralph Campbell             1998                Kaye Richardson

                                                  Joe Ray Anderson         1999                Kaye Richardson

                                             +   Richard Dunham           2000                Kaye Richardson

                                                  Robert Sayles               2001                 Karan Henry

                                                  Robert Sayles               2002                 Phyllis Duncan Mohr

                                                  Arlie Lentz                    2003                 Beverly Cyphers

                                                  David Welihan              2004                 Betty Dumbauld

                                                  David Welihan              2005                 Beverly Cyphers

                                                  Arlie Lentz                    2006                 Phyllis Duncan Mohr

                                             +   Christopher Backus      2007                 Caren Leady

                                                  Arlie Lentz                    2008                 Caren Leady

                                             +     Philip Rosenberger        2009                 Karan Henry

                                                  Gregory L. Beam          2010                 Karan Henry

                                                  Gregory L. Beam          2011                 Cindy Hall      

                                                   Gregory L. Beam         2012                 + Julie Oexler

                                                    Robert Locke               2013                + Julie Oexler

                                                   Robert Locke                2014               +  Julie Oexler

                                                   Greg Beam                    2015              +  Julie Oexler

                                                   Robert Locke                2016            Bev Cyphers

                                                   Bob Hamel      2017 Bev Cyphers

                                                   Bob Hamel      2018                Bev Cyphers         

                                                   Robert Locke               2019               Bev Cyphers 

                                                 Robert Locke                2020                Bev Cyphers

                                                Robert Locke                 2021                Bev Cyphers                                       

                                                Robert Locke                2022                 Bev Cyphers

                                                Robert Locke               2023                  Bev Cyphers 

                                                Ron Ebersole               2024                  Bev Cyphers       

                                                 Ron Ebersole              2025                 Jennifer Shew 


Scholarships and Community Projects

American Legion Post --- sponsors various scholarships for the further education of our children. We also sponsor and financially assist many worthy community projects and programs initiated by the National American Legion.

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